Welcome to Richard Madden Fan, a fansite dedicated to Richard Madden, Scottish stage, film, and television actor known for portraying Robb Stark in Game of Thrones, Prince Kit in Disney's Cinderella, David Budd in Bodyguard, and most recently, Ikaris in Marvel's Eternals. Please enjoy our site and our gallery with over 35k high quality images.

"I just think of myself as an upstart who is trying to get better at what I do."
February 14 2015
Richard for Elle USA

I found a YouTube clip of you in your first movie, Complicity—it is heavy subject matter!
I’ve not seen that in years. That was my first role—I was 11. I play a boy who gets raped. My mother has a great picture of me lying on the ground in between takes with this massive man on top of me. That was a kind of baptism by fire into the world of pretending.

So, the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones. Did it leave the set completely covered in fake blood?
It was carnage. I was also wearing this tunic with a hose that came up from my ankle to my chest and when I got stabbed, the blood was supposed to burst out of me. But during the first take the hole was misaligned so I got a few liters of blood inside my costume. And that stuff dyes your skin!

Was it a grueling scene to act?
It took five days and every one was torturous. The last day of shooting was also the last shoot of season 3, so literally at the end of that day I was finished with Game of Thrones. At that point I’d been with the same crew for five years. I saw my onscreen mother more than my actual mother. It was really emotional.

What were things like behind the scenes?
Most of the time we were filming in really miserable, cold locations, and the subject matter is not particularly upbeat. There were funny moments, though. You’ve got a bunch of men all trying to be very manly and tough and then, as soon as they’d shout cut, everyone would drop to the ground and lie down because the costumes were so heavy. A lot of jokes also ended up being directed toward Kit [Harrington], after he broke his ankle, drunk one night. So you had Jon Snow in a massive leg cast. We’d be in these woods that were muddy and a mess and two people would have to carry Kit onto set and prop him up on one leg beside me. We’d go through a scene. Then, cut, and he’d have to get carried off again to the next set.

There’s a lot of pretty elaborate dancing.
Oh, god. We had three proper dance sequences within that ball scene. I was dancing three days a week just rehearsing and rehearsing, so that when we got to shooting the scene I wouldn’t have that look of fear on my face.

Cinderella’s dress is so big!
It is humungous. You have no idea. During rehearsals we went through quite a few copy dresses. I spilled coffee on one. And poor Lily. I couldn’t complain about having to trip over it, because she was the one having to carry it.

There’s also that scene where she’s on a swing and you reach in and grab her foot. Was it hard to find it under all that dress?
I think we made it look elegant on the day, but in reality there were like 80 layers to get through. I was terrified the swing was going to come forward and I would be engulfed by a dress and suffocated beneath it.

The scans of the March issue of Elle USA featuring Richard has been added in the gallery as well!

MAGAZINE SCANS > Elle USA: March 2015 [+1]

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